latest update?

this is so awkward....

okay most of my friends probably have known that my relationship and arif has ended..... ya we ended things for good. but no, this post are not intended to share any of my personal issues with him. i don't want to bring any memories regarding him here, which mostly were bitter lol. so this is just a declaration to whoever that are curious about my current status. (((sigh))) kalau ada yang tanya lagi tak tahulah nak cakap apa !!!!

so, moving on,

my life so far is great ! i love how carefree i am right now, tak perlu nak serabut fikir about shitty problems, i can do anything i want, having fun with anyone i want, the list can going on and on. i dont have any plan on you know, mencari orang baru or whatsoever, first because feelings;love  isnt something yang semudah itu boleh dilahirkan. but i did like/slightly crushing on this one guy yang mana harapan or chances for him to like me back is less than 20% . he is someone whom ive known for years but yet i still didnt get the chances on knowing him much as he is such a weird one. hm nope not weird, argh i didnt really know how to put this one into words but he is just different. ive told so many things, i have shared so many stuffs about my life when he didnt tell me the slightest thing about him. but yeah, he probably like that because he didnt have any interest on me and i je kepoh nak cerita segala benda but its okay. he is a cool guy. i loikee that.

studies ? i like most of the subjects in this semester, except for finance....................  i mean ................... lets just hope i wouldnt repeat this subject on next semester okay..............
i like microbial genetic, biochemistry, tdr , so fingers cross i will ace these one (s) okay.
ya, i did part time job in subway during the weekend. its tiring but i am enjoying it so why not ?
the only reason why i did part time job is because for me, in my twenties, i should stop asking for money and instead, make some money. i am quite are the boros type hahaha so when i like something, its a must for me to have it. i love to eat too ! i love exploring foods and that one needs money. i dont have the heart to constantly bazirkan the money my parents gave me towards something else other than educational purposes so that is the solid reason why i came to the idea of making my own money. takdelah rasa bersalah sangat huhu.

there is a lot more that i want to share but its already 12 am and its time to hear some good music while reading nice books.

till then,

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Assalamualaikum and hellooo For years i've been aiming to write something about my internship experiences. Alhamdulillah ada rezeki ...